Sunday, June 2, 2024

Apollo Astronaut on the Moon - Revell - 1/8 Scale

The Revell "Apollo Astronaut on the Moon" is a representation of Neil Armstrong descending the LEM ladder.  I wanted to copy the iconic photograph of Buzz Aldrin with Neil Armstrong's reflection in the visor.

The kit was released in 1970 and it has a lot of problems.  The fit was poor and had large gaps that needed to be filled.  I used plastic cardstock and 2 part Tamiya epoxy putty.  The kit also had many in accuracies - The PLSS/OPS lacked details, the RCU , LEVA visor, and A7-L spacesuit were very badly shaped.  There were missing hoses and connectors.  The boots and gloves were also poorly shaped.

Box Cover

I started by filling the gaps and separating the the PLSS and OPS.

Details were added - access points and scratch built.  The PLSS was eventually covered in tissue paper soaked in white glue.  The OPS was detailed with flaps made from thin aluminum sheets.  The boots and gloves were cut off from the model.  The gloves were reshaped.  The finger tips were replaced with stryene rod that was sanded into the correct shape.  The details on the boots were remove.  Lines were re-scribed and straps were made from medial tape soaked in thin superglue.

Here are the finished boots and gloves.

The RCU was scratch built from the sheet styrene, and it was covered with medical tape.  The mounting hardware, the purge valve, and camera mount was added.  The spacesuit hose connectors were made from styrene tube and flat circular disks.  The inaccurate parts of the spacesuit were removed, and plastic sheet along with a lot of Tamiya epoxy putty was used to contour the torso.

 The visor on the LEVA was the wrong shape.  The LEVA was removed from the torso and modification were made.  I found a 1.75" silver plastic Christmas ornament that was a very close match to the correct dimensions.  The difficult part as printing the decal for the visor.  Getting the flat decal to lay down over the ornament was time consuming.  Multiple patterns were tried and tested.

The kit was primed grey.  I blended a custom insignia white (Tamiya Paint) mixed with Mr. Color Leveling thinner.  It was shaded and highlighted with enamels and artist oils.  A gloss coat of AK Gauzy shine enhancer sealed the paint.  The decals were printed on an ALPS printer.  Once applied they, there were sealed with AK satin clear varnish.

This it he finished model of Buzz Aldrin on the Moon